Sunday, April 29, 2012

A Visit from my Girls!

We had a quick visit from Sara Kaye Larson last week!  She was in town for a short visit and squeezed in a visit with us so she could meet Lucy and catch up with Max.  Emma and Gus also came out to visit with us.  It was great to see the gals and Gus!  (And I promise I'm not choking Lucy in these pics.  It's a little hard to get a cute group shot with her right now, but we keep trying:)

Tummy Time

Friday, April 20, 2012


Max has been enjoying showing Lucy how to play on her play mat.  He's been cracking me up trying to squeeze in next to her.  So far, they are off to being good buds!  I'm enjoying this while it lasts.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Lucy Smiles

Lucy is doing great!  She's a good sleeper and is content when she's awake.
Aside from gas pains, she's perfect!  And, she smiles readily now.  It's so sweet to see her smiling back at me.  I just love it.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Here's a pic Tonya took of Lucy.  She looks so serious!  But she's not:)  She smiles often now.  It such a treat.  I'll try and capture a smile soon and get it posted.